You Can Do It and You Can Win!


If you continue to listen to the nay Sayers, doubt and unbelief will enter into your heart.

business-suits-running-a-race1I Samuel 17:33 And Saul said to David, Thou art not able to go against this Philistine to fight with him: for thou art but a youth, and he a man of war from his youth.

There will always be people who will tell you that you can’t do this or that because you are too young, or too old, too small, or too large or whatever. If you continue to listen to the nay Sayers, doubt and unbelief will enter into your heart. God, on the other hand, knows what you can and will do. Jesus said, “…with God all things are possible.” So the question becomes, why would you listen to anyone other than the LORD? King Saul told David that he was too young to do battle against Goliath. David rehearsed past victories to build up his faith and to encourage himself. Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. David knew that the LORD had delivered him in the past and that He was fully able and willing to do it again. When the time came to do battle, David put his trust in the LORD and began to run toward the giant. Total faith in God without doubt in your heart that whatever you say according to God’s word shall come to past and will secure your victory. You win!

Scripture References: I Samuel 17:33-37,46-48,50;Matthew19:26; Mark 11:22-23 Prayer for today: Father, my ears are attentive to your voice through Jesus Christ. I say with my mouth and believe in my heart that I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me. I am a winner! In JESUS name, AMEN.

Whatever you must do today, there is a grace for that. Accept his grace and make it a sweatless day.

