Teaching from Your Book of Life, Part 8: Create Your Own Book of Life

women-whispering-3 Titus 2:5 To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.

In Part 7, we studied teaching younger women to be chaste. We will continue with older women are to teach younger women to be keepers at home.  My mother would say, “It takes all my time to take care of my own business. I don’t have time to take care of anyone else’s business”. In other words, the duties of taking care of your home should occupy your time and heart to the degree that there will be little time or desire to visit other houses to participate in idleness, i.e. gossip. The qualities of the Proverbs 30 woman are qualities that all women should aspire to. Teach the younger women to attend to the welfare of their own homes. Teach them to manage their household finances by creating and maintaining a budget. Teach them to train their children so that they are well behaved at home and in public. Teach them to be industrious, diligent and hardworking. The Proverbs woman made fine linen. Lydia was a business woman, a dealer of expensive purple cloth. Phebe was a servant minister of the church. These women traveled with their businesses and ministry. In the Old and New Testament, women had home based businesses. It was acceptable then and it is acceptable now for women to work in and outside of the home. Paul, however, recommended that women work in the home. Practically speaking, meals can still be provided for your family and your house can be kept clean. It may require hiring someone to help with the cleaning and you may need to pick up prepared food on the way home. There is no condemnation attached to either. But the duties of a wife and mother as keeper of the home/family are not to be neglected because of your ministry, business, or career. In Part 9, we will continue our study on the practical and spiritual things that older women should impart to younger women, thereby giving us all an opportunity to write or rewrite the pages of our lives.

Scripture References: Proverbs 30:21-22,24,27; Acts 16:14; Romans 16:1-2

Prayer for today: Father, thank you for the opportunity to rewrite my life. I ask for Holy Spirit’s help to make the pages of my life worthy of following to bring glory to you. In JESUS name, AMEN.

Whatever you must do today, there is a grace for that. Accept the grace and make it a sweatless day.

