He Will Make It Good!

Numbers 23-19 af0a21704d2e0cd19f320aef1829e9b1Balaam, the prophet was summoned by King Balak to come and curse the children of Israel.  Balaam went, but he made it clear that he would only say what the LORD told him to say.  On three separate occasions and in three separate locations, the king sent Balaam to curse Israel.  Each time Balaam spoke, the LORD put a blessing in his mouth for Israel, instead of a curse.  The third time Balak asked Balaam to go and curse Israel, Balaam did not go, as at other times.  Instead, he set his face toward the wilderness and blessed Israel again.  Through Balaam’s encounters with the LORD, he concluded these things:  1.) that whatever the LORD says, He will make it good; 2.) that he could not reverse the LORD’s command to bless nor could he go beyond the commandment of the LORD to do either good or bad on his own; and 3.) that it pleased the LORD to bless Israel.  I have concluded these things: 1.) that if God is for us, who can ever stand against us; 2.) that even though there are those who are sent by the adversary to curse us, God will bless us instead; 3.) that it pleases the LORD to bless us, and 4.) God will make His word good concerning us.

Scripture References:  Numbers 23,24; Romans 8:6:17-18; Romans 8:31

Prayer for today:  Father, I thank you for who you are and what you willing did and continue to do to bless me.  In JESUS’ name, AMEN.

Whatever you must do today, there is a grace for that.  Accept the grace and make it a sweatless day.

