The Demonstration of Love

Love-is-always-a-demonstrationRomans 5:8 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. (NIV)

If you have ever wondered if God truly loves you or even how much and to what length He would go to prove His love for you, consider Romans 5:8. “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” First, let’s define sin.  Sin is simply separation from God, living independently from Him, and refusing to establish and maintain a relationship with Him.  Sin is a condition that the world does not readily acknowledge.  Sin makes us enemies of God.  It was never God’s desire that there should be a separation between Him and us.  Because of sin, which was passed on to us through Adam, God’s love was put to the test.  Though we were His enemies, to prove His great love for you and me, God willingly sacrificed His only begotten Son.  Christ Jesus died in our stead to pay the penalty to save everyone who accepts His sacrificial love as payment-in-full for eternal death and hell’s torment.   God’s love justified us and reconciled us unto himself through Jesus Christ.  Put the questions about God’s love for you to rest; He really loves you, sacrificially.

Scripture Reference:  Romans 5:7-9,12; John 3:16

Prayer for today:  Father, forgive me for questioning your love for me.  I know, according to Jeremiah 29:11, that you love me and have my best interest at the center of your heart.   In JESUS name, AMEN. 

Photo Credit:  GeniusQuotes

Whatever you must do today, there is a grace for that.  Accept the grace and make it a sweatless day.

