Are You Willing?

monarch-butterflyGod wants you to be willing to change.

There is a beautiful picture of a fluffy vibrant green colored inchworm wagging his fluffy pink tongue as he moved about the ground with a caption above it that says, “Who me? I’m doing fine just as I am.”  God is calling His children to move from the ground floor of life (to move out of our comfort zone) to a higher place where His purpose, power, and presence can be manifested in the earth through us.  In Genesis 12, God called Abram to change his surroundings, to leave his native homeland and his relatives to go to a place where he had never been before.  Abram had no idea where he was going, but he trusted God that it was a part of His master plan for his life.  As a result, God made him the father of many nations.  God is the developer and owner of the master plan.  He will instruct, teach and guide us to the next level and the next level and so on.  All He requires is that we trust Him are willing to change at His command.

Scripture References:   Genesis 12:1-4; Jeremiah 29:11; Psalm 32:8

Prayer for today:  Father, show me and teach me how to change to glorify you.  I am willing to move at our command.  In JESUS name, AMEN.

Whatever you must do today, there is a grace for that.  Accept the grace and make it a sweatless day.

