Kick-Start the Joy Process
I Thessalonians 5:14 Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men.
(Continuation from the title: “This is the Time to Follow”) Paul continued with number 16 of the 22 commands and admonitions to the brethren at Thessalonica. 16.) Rejoice always in all things. It is easy to have joy in your heart when things are going well. The true test of your faith at work is when you can maintain that joy when things are not going well. During the darkest hour is the time when joy is needed the most. How do you get this joy? David, for example, did six things to kick-start the joy process. 1) He praised the LORD because he was confident that the LORD heard his cry for mercy. 2.) He prayed and asked the LORD to help him. 3.) He confessed that the LORD was his strength, his protector and his saving defense. 4.) He trusted the LORD to help him and, of course, the LORD did. 5.) He allowed the joy of the LORD to fill his heart. 6.) He sang songs of thanksgiving unto his LORD. Do not wait until you see your manifested victory in whatever situation you are facing. No! You begin to praise Him and thank Him before you see it. God has already done what you have asked for according to His word. Your praising with thanksgiving will pull down what you desire from the spirit realm into the natural realm so that you may have use of it. Just knowing this should help you to begin the joy process.
Scripture References: I Thessalonians 5:16; Psalms 28:7; I John 5:14-15; Proverbs 3:5-6;
Prayer for today: Father, in the name of JESUS, I confess that it is your joy in my heart that gives me the strength to deal with the vicissitudes (ups and downs) of life. AMEN.
Whatever you must do today, there is a grace for that. Accept the grace and make it a sweatless day.