Sight and Insight

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Psalms 146:8 The Lord opens the eyes of the blind. The Lord lifts up those who are weighed down.   The Lord loves the godly. NLT

Blindness is not just a physical condition; it is also a spiritual condition.  In the first Adam, all generations had perfect vision, perfect knowledge and the wisdom of God.  After Adam’s disobedience in the Garden of Eden, mankind lost sight of God and His way of doing things.  Physical blindness, as well as spiritual blindness, invaded God’s perfect creation, mankind.  As a result, we were all doomed to stumbling around in the dark.  But then Jesus came.  He was anointed to recover sight to the blind, both physically and spiritually.  No longer do we have to walk in darkness or be void of knowledge and understanding, for the LORD opens the eyes of the blind.  Ask Him to give you sight and insight so that you may walk in the light as He himself is in the light.

Scripture References:  Luke 4:18; Ephesians 5:8 Prayer for today:  LORD, I am created in your image and in your likeness.  There is no darkness in you. Therefore, I ask you to open my eyes and remove blindness far from me so that I may see you clearly.  In JESUS name, AMEN.  Whatever you must do today, there is a grace for that.  Accept the grace and make it a sweatless day.

