Feebleminded or Cheerleader, Which are You?

cheerleadersI Thessalonians 5:14 Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men.

Led by Holy Spirit, Paul outlined 22 commands and admonitions for the believers. (Continuation from the title: “Warning! Warning! Warning!”) 5.) Paul urged the brethren to comfort the feebleminded. Feebleminded in the Greek is defined as those who are little-spirited, faint-hearted, uncertain and puny. Unfortunately, there will always be feebleminded people among us. For this reason, Paul urged the brethren to stay close to the little-spirited; stay close to the faint-hearted; stay close to the uncertain and puny. One day the feebleminded may have the faith of a mustard seed and the next day have no faith at all, for example. 6.) He urged the brethren to edify or build up one another. The purpose for staying close is to encourage one another in the faith and to console one another by becoming each other’s personal cheerleader. Cheerleader’s assignment is to cheer one another up and to encourage one another, as we all work toward building or rebuilding our faith one block at a time. This message is timeless. Saul was feebleminded when he pursued, threatened, imprisoned and or instigated the slaughter of the followers of Christ because of their faith in Him. But on the road to Damascus, Saul was converted and gained the mind of Christ. His name was changed from Saul to Paul and he became one of the greatest cheerleaders of the faith. Jesus’ doctrine is the faith doctrine and Paul delivered the faith doctrine everywhere he went. According to the definition of feebleminded, everyone has had the need to be encouraged, consoled and cheered on to go further in faith. Every one of us, the brethren of the faith, has been anointed to be cheerleaders. Feebleminded or cheerleader, which will you be today?

Scripture Reference: I Thessalonians 5:11, 4:18; Acts 9:1-19; Romans 10:8;

Prayer for today: Father, in the name of Jesus and by the power of Holy Spirit, I shall serve you by serving others as a personal cheerleader today. AMEN.

Whatever you must do today, there is a grace for that. Accept the grace and make it a sweatless day.

