How to Get the Desired Results, Part 5

BuildFaithMediaPlayerJude 1:20 But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, 

5.) Build up your faith to get the desired results.  Stay the course that leads to the results.   Abraham desired to save his relative Lot and his family and the cities in which they lived.  Abraham asked God six times for the deliverance of Sodom.  He was shamelessly persistent in his prayer request unto the LORD.  Each time he asked God to save them his faith grew stronger and stronger.  As with Abraham, each time you experience God’s answers of “Yea and Amen”, your faith increases.  The word of God works, but you must work the word.  Abraham asked God to save the city if there were 50 righteous found in it.  To no avail, there were not 50 righteous in the city.  Then he asked for 45, then 40, then 30 and God said yes to each request.  However, by the time Abraham reached 20, he said, “Behold” or look here God will you save 20?  Notice, Abraham became bolder and bolder as his faith grew.  Finally, he said, “I ask one more time, if there be 10 will you save Sodom?  He went from faith to faith as he persistently prayed for Sodom.  Jude tells us to build ourselves up on our most Holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost.  In the Book of Acts, the apostles and all that were assembled with them were filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.  Devout men, Jews and men from every nation under the heaven were standing by and heard them speak in each of their native languages and were amazed.  Praying in the Holy Ghost is praying in tongues.  It is a special prayer language.  It is a gift from God to help you pray out the perfect will of God, especially when you don’t know what to pray.  It activates the power of God in you.  It is worshipping God.  Praying in the Holy Ghost builds up your spirit and strengthens your faith.  Ask God and He will give you supernatural utterance to build your faith.  Remember: 1.) Be shamelessly persistence in faith and in prayer. 2.) Expect Results. 3.) Don’t beg God. 4.)  Remind God of His word. 5. Build up your faith to get the desired results.

Scripture References:  Genesis18:23-32; Acts 2:4-11; Romans 8:26-27; I Corinthians 14:2; Acts 1:8; Acts 2:1-4; Acts 10:38; Acts 10:46

Prayer for today:  Father, you said that Holy Spirit is a gift.  I don’t have to work for Him; all I do is receive Him by faith.  In the name of Jesus, as an act of my will, I ask Holy Spirit to manifest himself in me with the Bible evidence of speaking with other tongues.  I yield my tongue to Holy Spirit to say what He wants to say through me.  I don’t have to understand what He is saying because your word says He is speaking directly to you on my behalf.  I receive Him right now by faith, In JESUS name, AMEN.  (I Corinthians 12:4,10; 14:2)

Whatever you must do today, there is a grace for that.  Accept the grace and make it a sweatless day.

