Looking for a Real Man
I Kings 2:2 I go the way of all the earth: be thou strong therefore, and shew thyself a man;
A man is typically identified by gender. However, the Bible is very specific about how a man can show that he is a man in God’s eyes. In conversation with Solomon, King David charged him with showing to himself, as well as the people he ruled that he was a man. Verse three gives us insight into what a man looks like. A real man is spiritually strong and courageous. He keeps the charge of the Lord his God. He walks in God’s ways. He keeps God’s statutes. He keeps God’s commandments. He keeps God’s judgments. He keeps God’s testimonies. All of this is possible by the power of Holy Spirit, his Helper. As a result of living the real man lifestyle, he positions himself to experience godly prosperity in all that he does and everywhere he goes. God is looking for real men. If you are looking for a real man that is not fearful of showing that he is a godly man, start with these qualities.
Scripture References: I King 2:1-3; John 14:26; Psalms 37:23; Deuteronomy 5:33NIV
Prayer for today: Father God, I ask you to order my steps in your word. In JESUS name, AMEN.
Whatever you must do today, there is a grace for that. Accept the grace and make it a sweatless day.